St. Patrick Catholic Church
San Francisco's Historic Landmark #4
Founded in 1851
756 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 Telephone Number 415-421-3730
Saint Patrick Church offers Alpha for Catholics at least twice a year or two seasons yearly for the general population and once a year for Confirmation candidates. There is also a separate Alpha for the parents of Confirmation and First Communion candidates. Alpha is a ten-week evangelization course that provides the guests the opportunity to listen to the Good News or the Kerygma in a welcoming, friendly and informal environment. A session lasts for about an hour and half and consists of a meal, a good video presentation and a meaningful conversation with fellow guests about life’s questions and the Christian faith. An admin or two admins run the course with the help of the Alpha Team members that serve as hosts, helpers and prayer ministers. Visit and like our FB page: @AlphaStpatrickSF.
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